Become a Farmers Market Vendor
Are you a local grower of fruits or vegetables? Do your friends and neighbors rave about your garden? Do you love sharing your love of farming or gardening with people you meet? Are you ready to take your farm beyond the hobby stage or grow your on-farm sales? Are you an experienced market farmers and are looking to expand? Or are you just curious about what all is involved?
If you answered 'yes' to any of these questions, and are located in the Neosho Farmers Market service area -- within 50 miles of downtown Neosho, Missouri -- our market may be a good fit for you.
Neosho Farmers Market has experienced tremendous growth of the past couple of years and we are making room in our community of farmers and vendors to meet the increased demand.
Summer 2025 Vendor Application
Thanks for your interest in the Neosho Farmers Market. Established in 2009, our summer market is one of the most popular and well-attended in southwest Missouri and the greater Ozarks region at large. A weekly, producer-only market, it is intensely focused on helping local farmers, ranchers, bakers, and makers of all kinds connect regularly and directly with a loyal community of local shoppers, independent chefs, and shop owners. Our collaborative approach, pro-active organization, and healthy vendor culture are hands-on, bottom-up, and all-in, resulting in happy, neighborly vendors, and a supportive community of shoppers and partners that are second-to-none.
If you grow, make, or bake your own high-quality produce or goods, are looking for a happy, healthy, low-hurdle way to bring that goodness directly to eager, local consumers on a weekly basis, and are located in the roughly 50-mile radius, 21-county service area of Neosho Farmers Market (generally, all or part of the counties of Newton, McDonald, Jasper, Barry, Lawrence, Stone, Barton, Dade, Christian, Greene (MO), Ottawa, Delaware, Craig, Mayes (OK), Cherokee, Crawford, Labette (KS), or Benton, Washington, Madison, Carroll (AR)), you've found the right place to get started.
Neosho Farmers Market is a volunteer-driven 501(c)(3) not-for-profit community entity and is a 100% producer-only market.
Market Vendor FAQ
All vendors at our seasonal summer market are selected through an application and review process.
If you are a local farmer or producer of high-quality kitchen goods or artisan wares, we’d love to talk to you about how our market might be a good fit for you.
Additional details about eligibility and community standards can be found in the Before You Start section below..
We are always looking for local farmers and producer to meet the growing needs of our community.
Fresh garden vegetables, fruits, meats, nuts, eggs, honey, dairy, and other farm produce are always in high demand.
Other unique, high-quality, locally-produced goods from the kitchen and artisan workshop will be considered as well when space allows.
Additional details about eligibility and community standards can be found in the Before You Start section below.. -
The operational and promotional costs of running a successful farmers market are covered primarily by the market vendors through a basic minimum set of vendor fees.
Those costs vary based on the type, regularity, and sales of the individual vendor, but generally speaking, most vendors take home 95-97% of the sales they earn at the market.
Additional details about eligibility and community standards can be found in the Before You Start section below..
Before you start...
Please take a few minutes to review our "Neosho Farmers Market - Vendor Rules & Standards" to familiarize yourself with how our market works and if it is a fit for you. Vendor Applicants may participate in the 2025 Summer Market Season only after completion, submission, and approval of their application by Market Management. The application process requires a small application fee to cover the cost of a site visit to your farm/kitchen/workshop by a Market representative. Certain types of Vendors are also required to show proof of food safety and/or health department certification.
Your participation in the Market constitutes your agreement with our Market Vendor Rules & Standards. So before starting this application, please read and understand it thoroughly.
Note: You'll need an email address to sign in with. It is designed for a Gmail account, but you can use any other email address that you can receive a verification at. For the non-Gmail option, just look for the 'Create Account' link and look for the 'Use my current email address instead' option on the next screen.